
Puro siccome un angelo papà mi fece monaco... di Monza

85 %|Nov 6, 1969|Comedy

A noble family assigns their younger son to the convent. The youngster has an affair with a novice, who becomes pregnant. The brothers, exasperated by his arrogance, denounce him to the Inquisition. As a punishment, the boy is walled up alive and released after fifty years. Due to a mysterious miracle, however, he remained as he is, just like the novice he impaled.

Featured Crew

Giovanni Grimaldi
Gianni Buffardi
Roberto Ranucci
Assistant Costume Designer
Duilio Scarozza
Makeup Artist
Maria Luisa Garbini
Ada Morandi
Assistant Makeup Artist
Aldo Greci
Director of Photography
Alessandro Metz
First Assistant Director