PWUSA Star Wars
0 %
Feb 24, 1985
February 24, 1985 at The Meadowlands in East Rutherford, New Jersey
Featured Crew
Verne Gagne
Richard Fliehr
Ric Flair
Harley Race
Harley Race
Robert Remus
Sgt. Slaughter
Mike Hegstrand
Road Warrior Hawk
Joe Laurinaitis
Road Warrior Animal
Jerry Lawler
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jim Raschke
Baron Von Raschke
Rick Vigneault
Rick Martel
James Williams
"Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin
Scott Simpson
Nikita Koloff
Oreal Perras
Ivan Koloff
James Fanning
Jimmy Valiant
Steve Keirn
Steve Keirn
Bob Backlund
Bob Backlund
Billy Robinson
Billy Robinson
Bill Eadie
The Masked Superstar
Masanori Saito
Mr. Saito
Jim Brunzell
"Jumpin" Jim Brunzell
Greg Gagne
Greg Gagne
James Harris
Lou Fabiano
Lou Fabiano
Mark Pole
Mark Pole
Nick Bockwinkel
Nick Bockwinkel
Dory Funk Jr.
Dory Funk Jr.
Larry Whistler
Larry Zbyszko
Mark Romero
Mark Youngblood
Steve Romero
Jay Youngblood
Jerry Oski
Jerry Oski
Paul Ellering
Paul Ellering (Manager)
Patti Williams
Precious (Valet)
Barry Darsow
Krusher Khruschev (Ringside)